Senior Researcher / Researcher in Geomechanics and Geophysics with experience in geological energy and storage

København K


Are you an expert in geomechanics with a broad understanding of geophysics? Do you thrive in collaborative environments, communicating effectively with fellow experts? The Department of Geo-energy and Storage at GEUS seeks a senior researcher or a researcher with expertise in geomechanics and a strong understanding of geophysics to join our interdisciplinary team. The role involves tackling complex geological challenges, particularly in geological storage (CCS) and energy exploration (geothermal).

You will lead pioneering research activities connecting geoscience and engineering, with a particular emphasis on geomechanics, reducing risks associated with CCS seal integrity, mitigating uncertainties in reservoir/seal characterization, and advancing subsurface understanding. Geomechanics will play an important role in development of dynamic reservoir models, and implementing pressure effects of the subsurface when CO2 is injected.

The researcher position is temporary, lasting for a period of four years, whereas the senior researcher position is permanent.

Job description

You will be responsible for developing expertise in geomechanics within the department, and you will be working closely with colleagues at GEUS and across the departments. Your primary objective will be to ensure the success of projects in the realm of geomechanics for geological energy and storage. However, your tasks will in addition to geomechanics involve reservoir modelling, seismic interpretation, fault/fracture modelling, well integration, geological characterization of the subsurface, addressing challenges related to CCS seal integrity and geothermal resource assessment.

An aspect of the role will be contributing to project development and securing funding opportunities through collaboration within the department and building networks with external and internal stakeholders. There will also be advisory tasks for the authority of different aspects of the subsurface. The department holds an important advisory role for the Danish authorities, regarding all subjects of the subsurface, including well program QC and advise on criteria for safe CO2 storage and threshold values.

At GEUS we encourage an open dialog, with freedom of research where everyone takes the responsibility to work for excellency in research and professionalism. Therefore, special consideration will be given to the ability to work in a dynamic atmosphere, being innovative and able to communicate efficiently across different disciplines.

Your qualifications

The ideal candidate has a PhD-degree in Geomechanics, Geophysics, or a similar discipline, and possesses a solid foundation in geomechanics, including the construction of geomechanical models, comprehension of rock physics, fractures, and faults in a geological context, including modelling.

You should be skilled at implementing relevant data and effectively communicating information and insights to reservoir models. Additionally, candidates are expected to have a geological understanding and the ability to integrate geological properties into models. Experience working with seismic and well data, and reservoir models is highly desirable, alongside:

  • A demonstrable track record of interdisciplinary research and collaboration, accentuated by good communication skills and an aptitude for effective teamwork with professionals from diverse backgrounds
  • Proven proficiency in project management, with a focal point on delivering consequential research outcomes and nurturing a culture of innovation

To the position as senior researcher we in addition expect that you have documented research knowledge and experience within the professional areas mentioned under job description, and experience with review of international publications and guidance of students as well as participation in Danish and/or international professional networks.

Department of Geo-energy and Storage

At Department of Geo-energy and Storage, we collaborate with the Department of Geophysics and Sedimentary Basins to conduct energy-related geoscientific tasks. Our services encompass both research and consultancy tailored to companies involved in green energy exploration and production, as well as geological storage initiatives in Denmark. Additionally, we serve as advisors to the Danish Energy Agency, which manages the state's regulatory framework for the energy sector, including subsurface geological storage.

We specialize in subsurface characterization, particularly in CO₂ and energy storage, geothermal energy, and unconventional resources like hydrogen. Our tasks include field delineation, reservoir property assessment, resource evaluation, fluid migration studies, and seal property analysis. We focus on accurately describing and predicting reservoir and seal property changes during injection/production processes, and their effects on fluid flow and pressure. Furthermore, our department is actively involved in climate change initiatives, studying carbon circulation, reservoir modelling, experimental research, and organic geochemistry to understand its effects and explore alternative energy resources.

The department is made up of experienced and dedicated staff of high, internationally recognised standard in the abovementioned scientific fields.

We offer

We offer a dynamic and collaborative research environment, centred around the exploration of subsurface dynamics for sustainable resource development. An inclusive professional environment, populated by talented and dedicated colleagues committed to advancing the frontiers of geoscience and engineering. Opportunities to organise and participate in innovative research with actual real-world impact, particularly in the domains of CCS seal integrity and geothermal energy exploration, and:

  • A creative and interdisciplinary research environment
  • A lively and informal working environment with talented and dedicated colleagues
  • Versatile work duties and good opportunities to influence them
  • Development opportunities with access to courses and other further education
  • Family friendly workplace with flexible hours
  • An active social environment, with a staff association and art society
  • Fitness centre with physiotherapy at the workplace

Salary and conditions of employment

In accordance with the collective agreements between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the relevant eligible trade union.

The appointment area is the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities and its institutions.

The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities considers diversity to be an asset and invites anybody interested, regardless of gender, age, religion or ethnicity to apply for the position.

It is a prerequisite for employment that you can be security cleared and maintain the security clearance throughout your employment.

Further information

Please contact the Head of Department Charlotta Lüthje, telephone +45 91 33 39 74, e-mail [email protected].

International applicants can read more about living and working in Denmark here:


If you are interested in the position, we would like to hear from you. The application must include a CV (and your ORCID), a list of publications with a separate indication of articles registered in ISI Web of Science and any copies of individual publications of relevance to the position. Please enclose Master’s and PhD diplomas in either Danish or English as well as other material documenting qualifications at senior level.

Please submit your application via GEUS’ website at the latest on Monday 6th of May 2024 (Danish time).

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The appointment procedure

An expert academic assessment committee consisting of one internal and two external senior researchers will make an individual evaluation of applicants’ academic qualifications, where candidates are deemed qualified or non-qualified in relation to the position advertised. Then an appointments committee decide which of the qualified candidates they want to call for a job interview. The procedure is in accordance with “Circular on the appointment and assessment of academic staff at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland”, Sections 4 and 7.


Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forsker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København K.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Forsker
  • København K
  • Mandag den 06. maj 2024