Social Counsellor Student Assistant, P&O Core Delivery, Lyngby

Studiejob - Kongens Lyngby

Er du klar til en nystart?

Vi har brug for dit talent, din viden og dit engagement, så vi kan forbedre verden med biologi.

Vores formål viser vejen

I Novonesis ved vi, at løsninger, der er forankret i biologi, kan hjælpe med at løse menneskehedens største udfordringer. Dette været vores ledesnor, fra vi begyndte vores rejse for mere end et århundrede siden. Det er sådan, vi er kommet så langt, og det er sådan, vi vil påvirke fremtiden. Nu mere end nogensinde har verden brug for forandring og med biosolutions er mulighederne uendelige.

Vi er her for at forbedre verden med biologi.

Join us as our new social counsellor student assistant 15-18 hours a week for 6 months – with possibility for extension.

We need a social counsellor student assistant to support and guide employees through long term sickness, advice on rules and collaboration with the municipalities and pension provider as well as give input to successful return to work programs in close collaboration with stakeholders such as union representatives. You will help employees apply for loss of work ability with our pension provider, apply for § 56-agreements, grant special leaves and help answer generic questions within your area of expertise.

Welcome to People & Organization (P&O) Core Delivery
You will be part of a team who is dedicated to delivering high quality HR support to the organization. You will work closely with engaged and skilled colleagues in P&O Denmark, where we are many different teams.

You will be part of the P&O Core Delivery team in Denmark where your closest colleagues will be P&O Supporters and P&O Consultants. Your manager will be your subject matter expert as she is the current Social Counsellor, and you will be supporting each other with the different areas of responsibility.

The team actively support each other in everyday tasks, we share knowledge, and we value our close collaboration and good relationships with colleagues both in- and outside the team.

In this role you’ll make an impact by:

Being a trusted and confidential advisor to employees and managers. You will guide on both the internal policies and on relevant legislation.

You will work closely with your P&O colleagues, Union Representatives, employees, and managers. You will bring care, integrity, and a high feeling of responsibility with you into the role, and we will give you all the support and training you need to support the organization.

To succeed you must hold:

  • Preferable a Bachelor of Social Work with work experience from a municipality and now studying a relevant master.

  • Alternatively, you have completed the first two years of your Bachelor of Social Work and maybe you have previously had a student assistant job in a municipality.

  • Knowledge within Danish law, especially concerning sick leave, assessment of work ability, social services and early retirement or a strong desire to expand your knowledge in this area.

  • Fluent English and Danish language skills – both verbally and in writing.

  • Good IT skills – primarily with Office.

  • Skilled at conveying relevant guidance in an empathic and trust-based manor.

  • Excellent at building trust with people in difficult circumstances.

  • A service minded approach with a desire to deliver high quality service to our employees.

  • An ability to work independently and with a high level of energy and accountability.

Location: You will be based in Lyngby with your team. Your area of responsibility can occasionally require you to go to our other sites e.g., Kalundborg.

Application deadline: June 26th but send your resume as soon as possible as we will fill the position as soon as we find the right candidate

Contact details: Hiring manager, Head of P&O Core Delivery: Camilla Dahl Jensen [xxxxx] vores formål også være dit? Ansøg i dag!

Hos Novonesis forpligter vi os til en inkluderende rekrutteringsproces, hvor alle jobansøgere får lige muligheder. Vi anbefaler, at du ikke vedhæfter en egentlig ansøgning. Skriv i stedet et par sætninger i dit CV om, hvorfor du søger. For at sikre en retfærdig rekrutteringsproces bedes du undlade at tilføje et billede i dit CV.

I Novonesis har vi forpligtet os til at skabe et mangfoldigt miljø og er stolte over at være en arbejdsgiver, der fremmer lige muligheder og positiv særbehandling. Alle ansættelsesbeslutninger er baseret på forretningsbehov uden hensyn til race, farve, etnicitet, religion, køn, kønsidentitet eller -udtryk, seksuel orientering, national oprindelse, genetik, alder, handicap eller veteranstatus.

Vil du vide mere?

Lær mere om Novonesis, vores formål og dine karrieremuligheder på

Er det ikke det rigtige job for dig?

Hvis dette job ikke er det rigtige match for dig, så kender du måske nogen, det matcher bedre til? I så fald håber vi, du vil dele joblinket og opmuntre dem til at ansøge. Tak for din henvisning! Du kan se vores andre åbne stillinger her. Det helt rigtige job er måske kun et par klik væk.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Kongens Lyngby.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • 13.06.2024
  • Øvrige
  • Kongens Lyngby