
Accountant for International IT Company in Søborg – part time


Få yderligere info om stillingen
For our client, an international IT company, we are looking for an Accountant to join their Danish office in Søborg. This is a part-time position, and you are expected to work 4 hours per day. The position offers great flexibility and the possibility of remote work. You will have the opportunity to become part of a professional and dynamic team in an exciting, growing company.

About the job: As an Accountant, you will be responsible for a wide range of accounting tasks and will work closely with the head office. You will ensure smooth daily accounting operations, and your tasks will include:

  • Daily bookkeeping and processing of accounting transactions
  • Reconciliation of accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • Preparation of monthly reports and financial statements
  • Handling payroll and other HR administrative tasks
  • Communicating with the head office and providing accounting information

We are looking for someone who:

  • Has experience in accounting and bookkeeping, preferably from an international company
  • Is familiar with E-conomics and Danløn, as well as MS Excel
  • Is detail-oriented and has high precision in their work
  • Can communicate clearly in English, both written and spoken
  • Holds a relevant degree in Accounting or Finance

We offer:

  • An exciting position with the opportunity to work in an international environment
  • Flexible working hours in a part-time position (4 hours per day)
  • A professional and supportive team to help you develop your skills

If you are a structured and proactive accountant looking for new challenges in an international company, we look forward to receiving your application.
Application: Ready to take the first step towards an exciting career in finance?

Please send your application and CV via the form below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Anette Timm at +45 33246470.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Revisor", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Søborg.

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Når du kigger efter et nyt job, tilbyder Centrum Personale flere muligheder; Vi rekrutterer til både faste stillinger, projektansættelser og vikariater. Hos os kan du finde mange stillingstyper og de fleste stillingsniveauer – fra et receptionistjob til en stilling som økonomichef.

Centrum Personale har 30 års erfaring inden for HR-, vikar- og rekrutteringsområdet. Vi udmærker os med solid viden på området, indblik i mange brancher og et bredt netværk.

Vi benytter vores egen emnebank aktivt, når vi løser opgaver for en lang række virksomheder. Da vi ikke annoncerer alle stillinger, er det en god ide at blive en del af emnebanken og hermed stå i første række til nye jobmuligheder.

Centrum Personales rekrutteringskonsulenter arbejder med et stort personligt engagement og lægger vægt på, at kunder og kandidater får en positiv oplevelse i mødet med Centrum Personale.
Læs mere på:
Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Revisor
  • Søborg