Job søges som blikkenslager i Millinge
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9 aktive søgeannoncer lige nu
Jeg søger job som lagermedarbejder / blikkenslager / smed / flyttemand / chauffør
I am currently looking for professional placement. I would like to take advantage of an opportunity offered by your company to gain more experience and develop myself in the role of . I am extremely motivated to get started and would like to prove all the value I can generate for your company.I have always fought for the success of the company I represented, aware that my success depends on the companys success.I would describe myself as a professional. Also taking into account my experience, I believe I am capable of making a valuable contribution to your company. I see the role as the ideal next step in my career. In this position, I hope to have the opportunity to develop myself further professionally.Im currently in Portugal, my country, I hope to arrive on October 20th in Odense where Im going to live.I would like to say and as you can imagine, I dont speak Danish, I speak English, Portuguese, Spanish. I want to speak your language, counting on your support.I would like to better explain my motivations regarding the role in an interview. I am available by phone or email.I would like to talk a little about my experience, I worked for several years in Spain at the company Humiclima, essentially in large infrastructures, Hospitals, Hotels, Casinos among others.My work was hydraulic climate installations using various types of piping, PPR, Copper, PVC, MIG/MEG welding among others.I have extensive experience in execution with plans, making machine rooms and the entire network.I have experience in installing underfloor heating, hydraulic heating, installing solar panels, among others.unfortunately for personal reasons I have to emigrate again, I have friends who live in Donamarca who speak very highly of the Danish people, this for me is something that makes me want to be part of an employee of your company.Thank you for your consideration and I await your response.With best regards,- Ønsket område: Odense
- Ansættelsesform: Fastansættelse
Racha søger job som tømrer/snedker / bygningsarbejder / lagermedarbejder / blikkenslager
Mit navn er Racha Saad og jeg er 37 år gammel. Jeg er et ansvarligt person, med masser af drømme og interesser. Jeg har 5 børn, som går i skole, og er godt i gang med deres studie.
Jeg er smilende, åben og hjælpsom. Jeg motiveres af det ansvar, der følger med et job hos jer, da det vil give mig selv personlige udfordringer. Jeg er meget ambitiøs i alt hvad jeg laver. Jeg er desuden en meget glad kvinde, med masser af personlighed og elsker at være en del af et socialt sammenhold.
Jeg kan arbejde i alt hvad jeg bliver sat til, da jeg er meget åben og kan komme ind i tingene og lære dem med det samme- Ønsket område: Odense
- Ansættelsesform: Fastansættelse, Praktik