Supply Chain Data and Analytics Lead, Novonesis


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Vi har brug for dit talent, din viden og dit engagement, så vi kan forbedre verden med biologi.

Vores formål viser vejen

I Novonesis ved vi, at løsninger, der er forankret i biologi, kan hjælpe med at løse menneskehedens største udfordringer. Dette været vores ledesnor, fra vi begyndte vores rejse for mere end et århundrede siden. Det er sådan, vi er kommet så langt, og det er sådan, vi vil påvirke fremtiden. Nu mere end nogensinde har verden brug for forandring og med biosolutions er mulighederne uendelige.

Vi er her for at forbedre verden med biologi.

Join us as our new Supply Chain Data and Analytics Lead, Novonesis

As Supply Chain Data and Analytics Lead you will manage the development of how data is created and used in the supply chain and be a key part of a transformational journey towards stellar data analytics and decision intelligence to leverage the possibilities of a digital and data driven supply chain.

The Supply Chain Data and Analytics Lead will take the responsibility of developing analytics insight to improve our supply chain performance and decision intelligence at all levels in the SCM organization together with our close friends in supply chain development, production, planning, IT, finance and sales. You will also drive and innovate the areas of supply chain data management, data quality, business intelligence, and the operating model between departments working with analytics. You will take lead on key projects to leverage the use of data to support both central and regional business functions.

The role is therefore very broad and contains everything from data management and implementation of new analytics tools – to generating senior management analytics insights to pursue the strategic development of Novonesis’ supply chain. This also requires extensive stakeholder management across the organization. This function will work closely with the Global Competence Center (GCC) in India, who will be a strong collaboration partner as well as operational execution unit within master data governance and analytics. The Supply Chain Data and Analytics Lead will have an indirect leadership and guidance role with follow-up on analysts in different roles.

Welcome to Global Supply Chain Development

The Supply Chain Development department drives a broad portfolio of strategic supply chain initiatives to e.g. improve transportation and warehouse costs, CO2 footprint, capacity management, digitalization of order-to-cash process and customer service experience. We ensure new innovations, data-driven solutions and change management to establish an efficient and reliable supply chain for the future.

In this position you need to have:

  • Education in a relevant area (Business Administration, Information Technology, Data Science, Supply Chain Management or similar)

  • Strong business logic and ability to critically assess business processes and opportunities

  • Understanding of Supply Chain Management, and its interfaces with other business areas

  • High level of data literacy and a basic understanding of several aspects of data modelling, data storage, ETL, BI and data governance

  • Friendly and curious way of approaching stakeholders and navigating in a large organization

  • A can-do attitude, creativity, pragmatism, and an appetite for being self-driven

  • Digital mindset and a curious approach to new software and the ability to adapt quickly to a changing landscape

  • A best-in-class and proven ability to find solutions to software challenges online or offline

Key responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement SCM Analytics strategy together with key stakeholders

  • Provide senior management with insights to pursue the strategic development of Novonesis’ supply chain

  • Translate business needs and challenges into SCM data, process and digitalization solutions

  • Prioritize initiatives and take responsibility of daily task delegation and follow-up on analytics projects with e.g. GCC resources and student assistants

  • Lead analytics development projects and create new analytical tools – and co-innovate together with key stakeholders

  • Cross-organizational project management of e.g. Advanced Analytics projects with resource support from other departments like Data Scientists from Data Office

  • Continuously improve how the entire supply chain leverage our data in operational and strategic processes and decisions

  • Facilitate a global education and upskilling of all supply chain analysts to improve their analytics capabilities with close IT and Data office partnership

  • Support master data governance – in close collaboration with GCC and IT

  • Take lead on a global supply chain data and analytics community

  • Roll-out of new software e.g. KNIME, Snowflake and Power BI and ensure structured data access

  • Communicate business benefits and financial impact of strong master data and analytics insights


For more information, please contact: Head of Global Supply Chain Services & Analytics, Henrik Grastrup Ram-Pedersen on [xxxxx] or Head of Global SC Development & Customer Services EMEA, Eva Maria Gattringer on [xxxxx] deadline: June 16th 2024. Please apply as soon as possible as we will be calling candidates for interviews continuously.

Kunne vores formål også være dit? Ansøg i dag!

Hos Novonesis forpligter vi os til en inkluderende rekrutteringsproces, hvor alle jobansøgere får lige muligheder. Vi anbefaler, at du ikke vedhæfter en egentlig ansøgning. Skriv i stedet et par sætninger i dit CV om, hvorfor du søger. For at sikre en retfærdig rekrutteringsproces bedes du undlade at tilføje et billede i dit CV.

I Novonesis har vi forpligtet os til at skabe et mangfoldigt miljø og er stolte over at være en arbejdsgiver, der fremmer lige muligheder og positiv særbehandling. Alle ansættelsesbeslutninger er baseret på forretningsbehov uden hensyn til race, farve, etnicitet, religion, køn, kønsidentitet eller -udtryk, seksuel orientering, national oprindelse, genetik, alder, handicap eller veteranstatus.

Vil du vide mere?

Lær mere om Novonesis, vores formål og dine karrieremuligheder på

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Hvis dette job ikke er det rigtige match for dig, så kender du måske nogen, det matcher bedre til? I så fald håber vi, du vil dele joblinket og opmuntre dem til at ansøge. Tak for din henvisning! Du kan se vores andre åbne stillinger her. Det helt rigtige job er måske kun et par klik væk.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Supply Chain Management", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Bagsværd.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Bagsværd